Sunday, November 17, 2013

Err... ELLO

AlyssaJoJo here!

I know! We've been gone for so long. Blogging isn't anywhere near as easy as we thought it would be. Not that the actual making of the meal is hard... but then you have time find time to write, take pictures, etcetcetc. It didn't help that right around the same time my camera and my computer took a dump on me. They are both usable, if you can even use that word, but it's a pain to do anything with them. Luckily I've taken step one to bring my self back into the present electronic wise and finally got a new laptop. Nothing fancy, but way nicer than my 5+ year old once I was using. This is my laptop. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

But yeah, next step will be to get a new camera but until then I feel as if I'll just be using my cell phone one. (Baby steps people) This post will have no recipe due to the fact that I wanted to get something up as soon as possible and didn't plan well enough. 

Any how... I don't know what we will be doing exactly! Mama Lanette still has the database class from hell so it will mostly be me. I am not nearly as nice, or witty, of a writer as she is per say, but I'll try my hardest!