Monday, October 15, 2012

Deviled Eggs into Devil Eyes

The leaves have turned, the air is cool, and fall is here. I love fall. I love everything about it. And it holds my two favorite holidays; Halloween and Thanksgiving. As Mama Lanette already said we will be dedicating our blog for the month of October to Halloween, and let me tell you, I'm pumped!!! I started my Halloween cheer early this year at our local Zombie Pub crawl where I dressed like a zombie pickle. Yes, you heard right - and are seeing right - a zombie pickle. It was dill and it was kosher. The BF went as a zombie lumberjack which worked out well with his 6 foot frame and his Duck Dynasty-like beard. I wish I could provide more details on how exactly the crawl went, but this little pickle got pretty pickled, and the only thing I really remember is hitting up a local grilled cheese restaurant and eating something that was very, very delicious.

So, my first Halloween themed recipe is a play off of deviled eggs to make them look like eyes. Aka, Devil Eyes.

6 grade A eggs
2 tablespoons of Mayo - I used mayo with olive oil
2 tablespoons of sour cream
1 teaspoon of yellow mustard.
Garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste.
Paprika for dusting.
Can of sliced black olives.

Now lets talk boiling eggs. I know, it sounds weird. Most of us are just, " put them in water and boil. The end." My method is to boil them and walk away until I remember them. But there is a method for the perfect boiled egg. No egg white in your water. No green tint to the outside of your egg yolk. What you do is you place your eggs in a single layer on the bottom of your pot and add cold water until it's 1-2 inches above the eggs. Bring water to a full boil and then take off the burner and cover for 10 minutes. And there you go - perfect boiled eggs. I really don't see my self ever doing this unless I had someone to impress though! Haha.

 Now once the eggs have been boiled and cooled down (you can use a bowl of ice water to hurry that up), take the shell off of the eggs and cut them in half. In one container put the egg yolks in while leaving the egg whites in another container. Mix mayo, sour cream, mustard, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and egg yolks by mushing with a fork and then whipping with a fork until creamy. Feel free to taste to see if you want to add in extra of any ingredient.

Now to get the mixture into the egg whites there are plenty of ways you can go around it. You can use some cake piping and tips. This is if you want to get fancy with it and have one of those neat swoops. Now personally, this isn't really going to be needed if you want to add the eyes. We will be pressing them into the egg yolk mixture, so anything fancy will end up being messed up. What I did was use a half a tablespoon to scoop it in. With it being smaller than a spoon and a little more round it helped me get it into their nicer. You can also use a butter knife to help with any mixture that doesn't want to come out of the tablespoon. Lastly we are going to pop open that can of black olives and take out one slice for each egg and place it in the middle of the egg yolk area on the egg. This will be what makes them look like deviled eyes. Lastly, dust with paprika in any way you want and BOOM! You're done!

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