Friday, August 16, 2013

Egg-cellent Eggplant with Simple Summer Sauce

Egg-cellent Eggplant with Simple Summer Sauce (oh, how I crack myself up!)

Are you a lover of the eggplant?  Are you an “mmm….I kinda like it, but I don’t love it” person?  Do you tend to prefer it dipped in egg, then breadcrumbs, then fried to a glorious brown crustiness and then slathered in marinara and parmesan…HALT!  A delicious and still healthy alternative is about to be revealed!  

Eggplant is one of those veggies that Mama Lanette has been experimenting with in many variations over the years, determined to not just tolerate it, but to really enjoy it and look forward to preparing it and eating it (SOB be damned!).  Every time I stand in line at the grocery checkout lane and the person before me has an eggplant, I just can’t help myself.   I have to ask them, “How do you prepare that?”  Yes, I am one of THOSE people.   After the initial odd look, the resultant answers are varied, none of which have been satisfactory.    I think it is one of those things that unless you grow up eating it on a regular basis, it is a hard one to develop a true fondness for.   Well, hahaha, once Mama Lanette tells herself she is going to like something, she will find a way, oh yes she will.*

Not only is this eggplant the tastiest way I’ve ever cooked it;  creamy, smoky, rich, still somewhat firm in consistency, so it holds own against any sauce you throw upon it,  it is also the EASIEST AND SIMPLIST way I have ever prepared it.  Simply throw the whole thing on the grill and let it sit, only turning it occasionally.  Thank you BA Magazine…you are truly worthy of your subscription fees!    I have included my favorite height of tomato season simple tomato sauce to top it off.   It is literally a tomato bomb exploding in your mouth, or so I’ve been told (and I agree).   I hope you will not be disappointed.  This is truly one to please the eyes and the palate, I believe.   Please try, and as always, we welcome feedback!

Egg-cellent Eggplant
Eggplant.  If a main course, 1 medium eggplant per person. **

Throw a whole eggplant on a grill.  Do not pierce or poke holes, just set entire eggplant, intact, upon the grill at high heat.  Cook it up until it looks gross and all burnt up, approximately 30 minutes, turning carefully occasionally so all sides cook evenly.  Carefully remove from grill and place upon a plate.  Let rest  for a few minutes.  Remove skin, leaving the stem intact.  Let sit for about 20 minutes so juices separate.    That’s it.  Really, that’s it.

Simple Summer Sauce
Makes sauce for two medium eggplants, or for use over pasta, or in Mama Lanette’s world, one eggplant for ML and one serving of pasta for the SOB.

Cherry Tomatoes, 2 pints.  If you are fortunate to grow your own or have access to a farmer’s market, please utilize!  It makes such a difference in the flavor.  For this blog, I used a combination of sungold and some purple cherry tomatoes.  The sauce was phenomenal in flavor.
Olive Oil, three turns around the pan.
Basil, fresh, from my garden*** (if you don’t have your own fresh, use according to your availability of fresh or dried, and preferred taste)  For this recipe I used approximately ½ cup fresh sliced basil.
Parsley, fresh from my garden (if you don’t have your own fresh, use according to your availability of fresh or dried, and preferred taste)  For this recipe, I used approximately ¼ cup fresh parsley.
Oregano, fresh from my garden (if you don’t have your own fresh, use according to your availability of fresh or dried, and preferred taste)  For this recipe, I used approximately four sprigs of fresh oregano.
Garlic, two cloves, minced or pressed (really, you haven’t gotten a garlic press yet? *judgmental stare*)
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

After removing eggplant from grill, place cast iron skillet on grill.  Drizzle three turns of olive oil around pan and add tomatoes.  Close lid of grill.  Let tomatoes sizzle and start bursting, opening lid and tossing tomatoes occasionally so they cook evenly.  Once tomatoes are mostly burst, add garlic and 2/3 of basil, oregano, and parsley to top of pan.  Close lid and continue cooking for three more minutes.  Open lid and stir, lightly smashing tomatoes in process.  Don’t overly smash, you want a chunky, rustic sauce, and if you aren’t careful, you’ll squirt yourself in the eye with hot bursting cherry tomato juice…not pleasant. Remove pan from heat (use potholders!).  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Serve over eggplant or pasta.

To assemble eggplant in photo:
Carefully drain excess juices from eggplant.  I drain them into the tomato sauce, as it usually gets pretty thick and can be thinned out a bit anyway.  Using a knife, carefully cut a slit down the middle of each eggplant and spread outwards.  Spoon sauce onto eggplants.  Sprinkle with reserved herbs and some parmesan cheese.  Drizzle balsamic glaze or plain balsamic vinegar on top.  Serve.  Oh my goodness, this is truly delicious and so very good for you at the same time, and it is beautiful at the same time.  ENJOY!!!

Next week,freaks!  <3  Mama Lanette

*Disclaimer:  This has not yet happened with salmon, and yes, Mama Lanette has had it prepared every way known to man, canned, frozen, freshly caught that very morning, grilled, smoked, steamed, etc., please stop telling me I haven’t had it cooked the right way.  All you do is piss me off and make me want to bitch slap you.
** How do I pick a good eggplant?  A good eggplant should feel heavy for its size and be free of bruises and wrinkles. 
***If you don’t have access to fresh herbs and are going to use dried, use half the amount called for in fresh.  For example, ½ cup fresh basil = ¼ cup dried basil.  Also, for this recipe, leave out the dried oregano and just use dried basil and parsley. Oregano is quite strong once dried and needs a bit of time to incorporate.  This is a simple sauce and is quick and easy, just leave it out.  It will still be delicious!

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