Thursday, August 8, 2013

Grilled Pork Chops with Creamy Poblano Sauce

Hey Y'all!!! Alyssa JoJo Here...

You know when you eat something and all you can do is talk about how good it is, over and over and over????  To the point where you discuss every amazing aspect about it and instantly start planning when you will make it again?  THIS is that meal! My friend, Lids, actually told me about the sauce we use in this recipe, I just changed some things around. But this will be made again... and again... and again.  Please try this dish, and as always, we love to hear your comments!

Pork Chops 4-6oz, cut into smaller pieces about 1/2 inch ½ inch thick (doesn't matter if it's bone in or out - you'll be cutting the bone out when you make your pieces.)
2 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoon adobo seasoning
2 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoon olive oil

Sauce Ingredients:
3 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon olive oil
¼ teaspoon cumin
1 cup of chicken broth
1 ounce feta cheese
1 small onion, chopped
3 big poblano peppers (Bahaha, Sorry on embarrassing pictures BBB! This is what happens when you start the grill first thing in the morning!)

Earlier in the day when you have some spare time, mix together the chili powder, adobo seasoning, salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.  Rub the mixture onto the pieces of pork. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. We did this while making breakfast and then took it out for dinner time. 

After you are done seasoning the pork, start working on the sauce. First things first, you HAVE to roast the peppers!  You want these things to be BURNT looking by the time you are done roasting them.  Char is your friend! 
Once the peppers are blackened and blistered, remove from heat source andimmediatlehy place in a bowl and cover with saran wrap (or place into a paper bag and close tightly). 

Mince the garlic and add to the chopped onion, cumin, and olive oil. Saute over medium-low heat until tender. Put off to the side and return to your peppers.

Your peppers should be cooled down now. Take off as much of the skin from the peppers as you can. Once that is done de-seed and de-rib the peppers and then dice up.

Add your sauteed veggie mixture, peppers, feta cheese, and chicken broth into a food processor or a blender and blend until a puree consistency. Place into the refrigerator with the pork. NOW, you do not have to premake this sauce. I honestly just find that when we allow ingredients like this sit together for a bit they take on this fuller flavor that you wont get when just making it and then eating it right off the bat. But I am aware of life... and there are plenty of times where I don’t have the chance to premake anything. 

When getting ready to eat grill your pork chops to they are a little charred out the border. As your pork is grilling simmer your poblano sauce on the stove. It will cook down a bit, but it should not be at a boil, or at a heat where it can burn. You are just basically warming the sauce through.  

When pork is done grilling, let it rest for 5 minutes.  Spoon the sauce over the pork. Enjoy. No, seriously, put this in your mouth and enjoy how amazing it is!!!!

4 servings | 254 Calories | 2g Carbs | 22g Protein | 1g Fiber | 12g Fat

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