Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuna Casserole

Sorry for this being a day late! I have to say that Mama Lanette gave me a nasty cold which has ended with me sleeping a good 17 hours out of the day. Some how though I managed to get in a recipe for you all. Something simple, hot, and what I consider a comfort food. Tuna Casserole. Yummmm!

2 103/4 ounce cream of mushroom soup
2 cups of frozen peas
2 12 ounce cans light tuna in water
5 cups of cooked egg noodles
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste

Ingredient notes: Garlic is not needed for the dish - I just love garlic so much I try to add it to everything. You can also pick the 98% fat free cream of mushroom soup to try and make the dish a little healthier. And lastly you can add butter to the bread crumbs to make a tastier breaded top.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and bring a pot of water to boil. Add egg noodles and boil til cooked. While noodles boil add cream of mushroom soup, frozen peas, tuna, garlic, milk, and salt and pepper into a 8X11 pan and mix well. Drain noodles and add noodles to mixture and mix well. Place dish in oven and bake for 20 minutes. Take out and sprinkle bread crumbs over dish and bake for another ten minutes.

Recipe Notes: My favorite thing to do with this dish is to mix some powdered Parmesan cheese in with it. It seems to just make it even more tasty!!

Hopefully by the time it comes to do next weeks recipe I'm feeling a little bit better. The last thing I want to do right now is spend any time in the kitchen. Bleh!!! If Mama Lanette was here I would be giving her dirty looks for passing on her sickness to me. Boo!!!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

I began making this chocolate-chip banana bread about six years ago when I first moved to Minneapolis and in with the S.O.B.  He had a horrifying penchant for Nutri-Grain bars for breakfast, naively taken in by the shrewd marketing ploy of using the word “Nutri” in the name of the product (I am still screaming in horror a bit inside).  Although chocolate-chip banana bread is not symbolic of healthy, nutritious eating, its ingredients are controlled by preparing at home, there are no preservatives or unknown additives whose names I cannot pronounce, and as the S.O.B. likes to say in a sappy voice, “It’s made with loooove”.   Ahem…it also freezes extremely well, so making a large batch is well advised.  

As a tip: I prefer to use bananas that have been frozen.  What?!?  You throw over ripe bananas away?!?  NO!  Stop doing that!  When your bananas become overripe, throw them in the freezer, people!  What, are you some fancy pants rich person who can afford to throw bananas around aimlessly and without thought?  The plus side of freezing ripe bananas is when you need a banana or two for a smoothie or baked product, they are right there, happily waiting to be used for a higher purpose.   Just a forewarning, though, when frozen bananas thaw, they become a little nasty looking.  The peels turn black, and they are super squishy; however, for this recipe, it removes the step of mashing them.  A minute saved is a minute gained for something fun, like shopping for Clinique products, buying a new Coach bag, or just a good old French tip manicure.

2 cups flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup white sugar
½ cup (1 stick) butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs, beaten
4 bananas, mashed
5 tablespoons milk
½ bag chocolate chips (4 ounces)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder,salt, and cinnamon. In stand mixer, or with a hand mixer, cream sugars, butter, and vanilla.  Add mashed bananas and beaten eggs to creamed mixture. Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients until just combined. Stir in milk and chocolate chips. Spread into oiled and floured miniature loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.  Test by  poking with a toothpick, if it comes out clean, the loaves are done.

Mini loaf pans = 8
Muffin pan = 12
Regular loaf pan = 2

After removing from oven, remove loaves or muffins from pan and cool on a baking rack.  Once cooled, wrap in freezer wrap or plastic zip bag, and store in freezer.  Serve as needed.  I take one out in the mornings and pop it into the S.O.B.’s lunchbox.  By the time he wants his breakfast, it is thawed and ready to go.  If not, he sticks it in the office microwave for about 30 seconds, and it is reborn to its original warm and melty, chocolately-chippy glory.  If overnight guests, stick them in a warm oven for a few minutes.  They will taste like they are freshly baked, and your guests will be amazed at how early you got up after drinking that gallon of sangria just to bake them a breakfast treat!

Next week, fellow freaks!  <3  Mama Lanette

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Black Bean Brownies

Black Bean Brownies... I know, I know. Sounds weird, sounds interesting, but believe me when I say that they are very tasty! And when the majority of the recipe is black beans you feel a little less guilty about eating one, or two, or three. And the fact that the recipe is about as easy as you can get doesn't hurt.
2 15 ounce cans of black beans, drained and rinsed well
3 large eggs
3 tablespoons of coconut oil
1/4 cup of cocoa powder
2/3 cup of white sugar
1/4 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon instant coffee
1/4 cup semisweet choclate chips

Ingredient notes: Instead of coconut oil please feel free on using more common vegetable or canola oil. Also with the vanilla extract if you would like to play with that you can always use mint, cinnamon, or even almound. Another thing you can play with is flavored instant coffees!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. After you rinse the black beans well stick all ingredients, besides the chocolate chips, in a blender. Blend until smooth and pour into an 8x8 or 9x9 greased pan. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and bake for 30 minutes. (More if toothpick doesn't come clean when poked.)

Recipe Notes: I honestly think these taste best if refridgerated and then heated up in a microwave before eating. 

Friday, September 7, 2012


Bon jour from Mama Lanette! As a grand finale to the first week of Feeding the Freaks, I am
challenging Alyssa JoJo’s Vegetable Tian with Ratatouille. When she first told me about her
Vegetable Tian recipe, I was like, “Yeahhhh….that jut sounds like Ratatouille was given a fancy
pants name if you ask me…” Thus was born our first cook off.

Ratatouille is a French dish made from eggplant, zucchini, onions, peppers, tomatoes, and
garlic, and featured in a very popular animated film (wink, wink, to those of you with children).
It is an especially economical dish to prepare during late summer in Minnesota, as zucchini and
eggplant are quite plentiful at your local farmer’s market, along with tomatoes and peppers. If
you are a lover of all that is vegetable, as Mama Lanette is, you will love Ratatouille. If you are
 somewhat skeptical about eggplant or zucchini, it may not be the dish for you. The S.O.B won’t
get within 15 feet of either no matter what I tell him they are, thus his freshly-honed, Rainman-
like skills for differentiating cucumbers from zucchini in salad. There are many variations of this
dish, so I pulled together the elements I liked best from several recipes and created something
new and hopefully tasty. It was a little more work than some of the other recipes I found,
where the entire dish is made in one pot, but I am always up to a challenge and am hoping the
presentation makes the extra effort worth it! Taking the high temperatures of Minnesota in
late August/early September into consideration, however, the one pot method may be more
desirable, as heating the oven (and by default, the house) is not required. Enjoy!

(read below for my update after making the dish)

1/2 pound zucchini, scrubbed, and sliced into 1/8-inch slices
1/2 pound eggplant, scrubbed, and sliced into thin (3/8-inch) slices, about 4-inches by 1-inch
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 pound thinly sliced yellow onions
1 sliced green bell pepper
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 small bay leaf
1 pound ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded, juiced, and sliced into strips
½ to 1 cup shredded fresh basil
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400°F. Spray two cookie sheets with olive oil or vegetable oil spray. Put the
zucchini and eggplant slices on the cookie sheets. Brush very lightly with olive oil, and bake until
slightly brown on each side.

In a skillet, cook onions and peppers slowly in 2 tablespoons olive
oil for about 10 minutes. Stir in garlic, bay leaf, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in tomatoes
and basil. Cover and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Remove the cover and cook
at medium to high heat until juice is reduced.
Remove the bay leaf and discard.

 Put 1/3 of tomato mixture in the bottom of a casserole. Arrange 1/2 of the eggplant and zucchini on top,then half of the remaining tomato mixture. Put the rest of the eggplant and zucchini down,and
top with the remaining tomato mixture. Drizzle with olive oil top with salt and pepper. Cover
casserole dish and bake at 400 for approximately 30 minutes. Let rest before serving so the
dish has time to set. Serve with a crusty French bread and good butter!

Top with cheese such as goat cheese, parmesan, or whatever you have handy and like the taste
Use yellow squash in addition to zucchini.
No basil? Use parsley!

The Final Verdict: The presentation was so NOT worth the extra effort. While this dish was
delicious, the three separate steps of roasting, sautéing, and baking really made it a pain
in the ass. I don’t have a dishwasher, so the extra dirty pans were not appreciated. I also
do not have central air, so turning on the oven and stove when it is 94 degrees with 80%
Minnesota humidity in my standing-fan-only ventilated kitchen really pissed me off. What was
I thinking?!? Presentation? Who cares when it is so freaking HOT outside! Like I don’t have
better things to do with my life on a Friday night than chop vegetables and roast to death?
Thank goodness for my icy cold pal Mr. Riesling or I may have simply overheated and passed
out (from the heat, not the Riesling…shut up you, and you know who you are). In reality,
Alyssa JoJo’s Vegetable Tian looked much better in presentation, and her recipe sounded much
simpler. Don’t get me wrong, my Ratatouille really was delicious, and I especially enjoyed
eating it in front of the S.O.B. He despises eggplant and zucchini, and watching his gag reflex
kick in always makes me giggle. I think this is a recipe that needs to be revisited in the one pot
version…perhaps next summer.

So, to end the first week of Feeding The Freaks…A Family Fiasco, the coveted Flying Freak Flag
goes to…*drum roll*… Alyssa JoJo!!!!! Job well done my pookie boo! You made more with less,
and that is always a win in Mama Lanette’s opinion. See you at next week’s fiasco, my fellow
freaks! Au Revoir, Mama Lanette

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Vegetable Tian

Hi everyone! This is Alyssa JoJo here - and this is also my first recipe! I guess I really should start this out by explaining my kitchen. I live in a tiny, cheap, two bedroom apartment (with two roommates), so there's nothing fancy here. Most the items in my kitchen are hand me downs, knock offs, or random items I've found for really cheap. Trust me, when you are starting out a kitchen, Goodwill is your friend.  I don't have anything that most people wouldn't have in a basic kitchen, so everything you see from me will also be really easy for you to make…I promise!

Now to the first recipe... *drum roll please*... Vegetable Tian!! Please don't let the name scare you off.  While it may sound fancy pants, this recipe is simple and cheap to make.  It has a beautiful presentation and is very tasty for those who are vegetable lovers. It is quite similar to Ratatouille, which Mama Lanette will post later this week.  My two test subjects, Thing 1 and Thing 2, enjoyed it immensely. 

Vegetable Tian

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 large yellow onions
1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon dried oregeno
1 large zucchini, sliced into thin coins
1 large yellow squash, sliced into thin coins
4 medium yukon or yellow potatoes, sliced into thin coins
4 Roma tomatoes, sliced into thin coins
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon dried oregeno
Celtic sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
4 ounces grated Parmesan cheese

Ingredient Notes:
For this you can use more less. I'm a very big garlic buff and put plenty in. For the cheese, you can really use your favorite white cheese. I used goat cheese for mine since I surprisingly had it around the house. Also, you can use parsley over oregano, or really any other spice that is similar to those - I used oregano because it was in the house, and I did not feel like running to the store in my jammies!

 Preheat your oven to 375 degrees and adjust an oven rack to the middle of the oven. Slice both onions into coins, and preheat 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a skillet over medium heat on your stove. Once the oil is heated, place onions in the skillet and sauté for 9 minutes. Add garlic and 1 teaspoon oregano and mix often in skillet for 1 minute.

Place in bottom of casserole dish in an even layer. Tile zucchini, yellow squash, potato, and tomato in alternating layers. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of EVOO over vegetables, and sprinkle with remaining oregano, salt, and black pepper. Cover dish with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle with cheese of choice.  Bake uncovered for another 25 minutes. Enjoy! I know we did...


Monday, September 3, 2012

A MN State Fair Adventure...

Welcome to Feeding the Freaks....a Family Fiasco!  What better way to kick off our mother-daughter food blog than a trip to the MN State Fair!  Ah yes, the land of 10,000 foods on a stick and butter head sculptures!  What do they do with those heads when the fair is over anyway?  Alyssa JoJo suggests a giant lobster fest.  Mama Lanette says a hefty profit is to be made by selling them to Paula Dean, y'all.  The MN State Fair is a grand land where bacon and chocolate can meet and become one, macaroni and cheese can be eaten on a stick, and pickles are fried to perfection.  Just when you think a food can’t POSSIBLY be made any unhealthier, lo and behold!  There it is….battered, deep fried, and oh so carefully perched upon a stick, and yet so delicious your taste buds would explode if they hadn’t already been burnt beyond recognition because you just couldn’t wait a few extra minutes for those fresh fried cheese curds to cool off a bit. 

After a quick pre-apology to our bodies for the complete disregard to diet and nutrition they were about to be subjected to, we departed the bus, stocked up on dollar bottles of water being sold outside the gate (they’re like 3 bucks inside!), and took off running like the Augustus kid in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory when he discovered the river was made out of chocolate.  Our fair food adventure started off this year with a trip to Axel’s where we indulged in macaroni and cheese on a stick, deep fried cheeseburger sliders, and a breakfast lollypop (breakfast sausage dipped in a corn meal batter, deep fried, and yes, placed on a stick).  Mama Lanette and her friend A.P. then ventured over to the Agriculture Building to visit their beloved honey ice cream stand. The honey ice cream with sunflower seeds is so delicious and simple, it transports one back to the days of childhood, laying in the grass, and staring at the clouds.   Alyssa JoJo and her friends E.H. and S.B. headed over to the Food Building, but much like Las Vegas, what happens in the Food Building STAYS in the Food Building.  The rest of our MN State Food….uh….I mean MN State Fair trip consisted of a dizzying pace of map checking, aimless wandering before we realized we were holding the map upside down, and eventual food booth finding.  The treats sampled consisted of fried green tomatoes, corn fritters with honey butter, deep fried Oreos, Big Fat Bacon drizzled with maple glaze, canoles, fried pickles, bacon ice cream, Pig Lickers (chocolate-dipped bacon), corn dogs, and cheese on a stick, which resembled a corn dog, but had cheese instead of a hotdog inside. 

Five hour later, as we sat upon a bench with our bellies full, our feet covered with dirt, and our faces smeared in grease, we decided it was time to cry uncle and head out.  The bench creaked in relief when we picked our now even bigger asses up off of it.  We headed over to the nearest sky ride, lied about our weight to the very skeptical carnies, got on our sky cab, and rode over to the other side of the fairgrounds where our exit was located.   Our carb-coma bodies trudged zombie-like to the Park & Ride bus, and we headed back to the Land of Reality…where carbs, calories and fat really DO matter.

Are there healthier choices to be had at the State Fair?  Yes, the Produce Exchange was selling fresh fruit and veggies, and there were several fruit kabob and salad stands, so it CAN be done.  And, of course, there are those people who suffer from physical ailments such as diabetes, in which case, munching on a bag of cotton candy and a deep fried Snickers bar may not be the smart choice; high blood pressure….stay away from those salty fries and pig lickers you people!; and the ever present child with ADHD…once again, AVOID the cotton candy!  All in all, however, for those of us who are fortunate enough to partake of whatever we want and not go into an insulin coma or suffer from a heart attack, part of the beauty of a once yearly trip to an event such as the MN State Fair is the throwing away of all morals and decency regarding food and nutrition and just having FUN.  Is eating a Big Fat Bacon a little disgusting?  Most definitely, but when eaten only once a year, it is a treat to look forward to and savor with every bite. 

And with this we start a new adventure in sharing the foods we love, dare to try, and change to make healthier with you. We hope that if anything through out these posts you at least find something to laugh about, love to eat, and share with others. 

- Alyssa JoJo and Mama Lanette