Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dublin Coddle

Hey Everyone Alyssa JoJo here! I hope you all had a good St Patties day weekend. I know I did! Saturday we went to go visit some family for my Irish Great grandma’s birthday. We watched an old slide show of pictures from when my great grandma was younger all the way til when Mama Lanette was younger. (Nice perm Mom!) We also got to eat some very delicious mini four leaf clover cakes made by my cousin Claire Bare. These things were AMAZING! We had a cupcake that was very similar to what she made from a local cupcake shop which couldn’t even compare to these things.

Sunday we didn’t go out or anything, but instead BBB (Big Burley Bruce) and I stayed in and I made a traditional Irish meal out of a cook book that I got handed down to my by my Great Grandma. I have no idea how old this book is, but I had to do some Google research to covert the measurements and also to get a clearer look at how exactly to make it. Now I did make some small changes, which I will mention in the recipe. I don’t feel like I did anything that would change this from being a good ol’ traditional recipe, and let me tell you, this recipe doesn’t need much changing. It was DELICIOUS! Good enough where BBB went up for a big bowl of seconds. And if you really want to call out the Irish in you I suggest you sop up what’s left in your bowl with a nice piece of soda bread.

8 pork sausages (We used hot Italian sausages for some heat)
1 pound of bacon (We used double smoked bacon that Mama Lanette brought us)
2-4 pounds of potatoes
2 large onions
2 cups of beef broth or water
¼ cup of parsley
Salt and pepper to taste

 First what we are going to do is cup up the bacon and sausage into bite size pieces. I did 1 inch by one inch for the bacon and did the sausage in a little larger of chunks. You’re going to want to make sure that these are easy to eat – this meal shouldn’t need a knife!

 Now take the onions and cut them into chunky pieces. We aren’t going to finely dice these like we would in most recipes. What I did was I quartered the onions and then just cut some half inch wide strips.

 If you look up the old recipe online you’ll see that they will have you boil your meats as a start, but I went a different rout. In a pot I fried up the onions, bacon, and sausage together dry. Now your bacon will look different during this process with the way this recipe goes. Normally we get some what crispy bacon that becomes a brown/red. Don’t be worried if your bacon holds its pink color through out this process.

As your meat is cooking peel your potatoes and chop them into bigger chunks. Something bite sized. I did them a little bigger than what I cut the meat. Put the potatoes off to the side, we won’t be cooking these ahead of time. Make sure to check your meat often during this process. We don’t want anything to burn.

Take your parsley and finely chop it. I normally use my kitchen scissors when doing this because I find it to be easier and cleaner than using a knife.  Again, keep checking your meal and stirring it around.

Once the meat is cooked to your liking add in potatoes, parsley, two cups of beef broth, and salt and pepper to your tasting. You’re then going to cover the pot on the stove and let it simmer for about an hour. Make sure to check it through out the meal. We want to make sure that while the potatoes become soft you don’t want them to become mushy. To test see if you can easily push a fork through the potatoes with out breaking the potato apart.

 Now just put in a bowl and enjoy! Seriously, this meal is fantastic! So tasty. You might end up going for seconds… or even thirds.

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