Monday, May 20, 2013

Easy Peasy BBQ Chicken.

This recipe will have no pictures because it's just that easy. It also might be the shortest blog in history to ever be written. But when I found out that chicken was our theme for this week I just had to do my BBQ chicken, which I personally love and could gain 10 lbs just from over eating.

4 chicken breasts, or chicken of your choice
One bottle of BBQ sauce of choice, or home made
12 ounce can of Coca Cola
Seasonings of choice.

How I make this is I normally put all the chicken in a bowl and sprinkle some hickory seasonings on it and rub them in. You can also just do salt and pepper or whatever it is that you like on your chicken. Poor in a healthy amount of BBQ sauce and coca cola. Make sure that the chicken is covered with it and that you'll have enough left over to brush over chicken while cooking.

Now you can pan fry this, or grill it, bake it whatever. Just make sure that as you are cooking it you turn over and brush over extra liquid a few times.

And that's it! Seriously! Tasty BBQ chicken!

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