Thursday, October 25, 2012

Peanut Butter Eyeballs

Makes approximately 4 dozen

These are delicious!  Big freaks love them because they are really cool looking and make a great Halloween party snack.  Little freaks love them because they can pretend to be all gross by eating eyeballs.  Also, who doesn’t love peanut butter?!?!?   AND, not only are they peanut butter, they are also smothered in white or dark chocolate and topped with a tasty chocolate button!  

Seriously, you CANNOT be human if you are able to resist this combination. You very obviously just stepped off the spaceship and are masquerading as an earthling, scanning our brain waves, lurking in the background, just waiting for the perfect moment to beam us up into your spaceship and imprison us in some sort of pod-shaped device, subjecting us to a horrific anal probing and other nightmarish procedures.  (I will pay you one million space bucks if you take the SOB first) 

Or perhaps you are a fanger trying to seamlessly incorporate yourself into the human world, trying so hard to be one of us by nourishing yourself from sterile bags of blood bank blood because you glamoured the night clerk at the local Red Cross location... Well,  let me tell you, any human worth their ounces in the red stuff knows that bagged blood just ain't the same for you vamps.  We are well aware of the fact that  one night you will succumb to your inner beast while sitting in a bar pretending to drink a glass of wine, pulsing jugulars surrounding you and taunting you, until finally they drive you over the edge, and there you go on a mass killing spree of horror and carnage. 

Yep, and now we know the secret to the exposure of nonhumans; peanut...butter...eyeballs...  I for one, plan on making lots and lots of these to carry around with me Halloween weekend.  I personally believe that walking up to a suspicious-looking stranger, shoving a peanut butter eyeball in their face and shouting, "show yourself demon!" is a perfectly reasonable and sane maneuver in the fight for humanity, and those jerks at the Acute Psychiatric Unit can go to hell...

2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup creamy peanut butter
6 tablespoons butter, softened
1 pound white candy coating or almond bark
4-5 dozen brown candy coated chocolate buttons (M&M sort)

1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon water
Red food coloring

In a mixer, combine powdered sugar, peanut butter, and butter.  Shape into 1 inch balls and place on a waxed paper lined cookie sheet.  Chill for 30 minutes.  (if you don’t have a mixer, just use your hands)

Melt candy coating or almond bark according to package instructions.  Dip balls in coating and place on waxed paper.  Place one chocolate button on each eyeball before candy coating hardens.  Let stand for 30 minutes until candy coating has hardened and set.

In a small bowl, combine powdered sugar and food coloring, adding more food coloring until desired color.  Add water in small amounts at a time until icing is desired consistency, not too stiff and not too runny.   Place icing into a plastic zipper bag and snip a very small corner off.  Use this as a piping bag to finish decorating the eyeballs.

These can be made for other holidays also.  Simply substitute the white candy coating with chocolate candy coating and omit the decorations, or add other decorations more appropriate to the season.  You can even add a different color of food coloring to the icing and drizzle over them for a decorative appearance.

See you next week, fellow Freaks!  <3  Mama Lanette

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